Things you must do before you start writing

Writing is a creative process that requires not just words but even the courage to face your own emotions. When you start your journey of writing, initial skepticism may pull you apart. Be patient with yourself when you face your own mind. Once you have developed the courage to face yourself and experience your emotions lay the groundwork for your art.

Before you begin your writing journey here are the few things you should always remember.

  • Be a researcher

You cannot write skillfully if you cannot dig deep. As a writer, you should be an exhaustive researcher having the ability to dig deeper into emotions, mindsets, contexts, histories, psychology, and everything that revolves around your story. Research when you are beginning your writing journey. Read about people who have made their mark in this field. Learn how to absorb yourself into the stories and the characters. When you put something on paper, make sure that every word you have written is authentic and credible.

  • Stick to a routine

A disciplined writing schedule is the groundwork that you do to start writing. You don’t have to make yourself sit for hours to develop discipline. Set a time that you are comfortable with. The challenge with writers is not the absence of time, but rather the absence of focus when they sit to write. When you have a routine, your brain automatically is conditioned to focus.

  • Edit

Writing as art is all about perspectives and your state of mind. Both of these things are as abstract as the dreams we see. You may have written something a few days ago, and when you read them now you may not even comprehend or relate to the words you have written. Be a ruthless editor. Your story needs to bring out the purpose of the whole journey. Be kind when you write your first draft, but be cruel when you edit the same draft. There is no end to editing your work. Your work will undergo more edits as your perspectives change and your mindset shift. Be fearless and edit until you know that your story’s purpose is distinct and well-expressed.

  • Understand your character

When you lay the foundations of your story, start living the life of your characters. Absorb them within yourself. Replace your own mind with the mind of your characters. You can take references from people around you, but experience the soul of the characters yourself. Think about what motivates them. Their presence in the story should serve a larger purpose.

  • Say Goodbye to expectations

Often writers expect a great story from themselves. They criticize their art when the words don’t flow freely. Be okay with not being able to give words to your thoughts. It is part of the process.

Writing is an art that has no structure to it. Believe in yourself and experience the joy of giving words to your emotions and thoughts.